
Research Your Market Online

The internet is full of information about earning money online and when you believe the claims, making money online should be a very easy thing to do. But we all know the truth. Earning money online is not as easy as they say.


Okay, I have to admit that it took me a couple of months to figure that out. Like hundreds of thousands of people I tried a lot of those “earn-money-fast opportunities”. If I didn't make any money the first couple of months after I had signed up, I just gave up and moved on to the next opportunity. I began the whole process all over again. I searched for a new site that promised a lot of money fast and without hard work and joined again.

Disappointed and almost believing that making money from the Internet was just a dream, the cold, hard truth hit me like a brick: ”There is no way that you can make money online unless you are willing to work hard.”


There is no way that you can make money online unless you are willing to work hard. But, if you are persistent and willing to work for it, you really can make money online.

Actually, believe it or not, there is a roadmap that almost can guarantee that you will make money online. It won’t make you rich overnight but if you work one or to two hours each day you will see that making money online isn’t so hard after all.

Step 1 – Let your passion be your guide in finding a lucrative market

Making money online is hard. It won’t be easy and you must be willing to work hard, so make sure you are passionate about what you are doing. If you are passionate you are more motivated. if you are not passionate, you are less likely to persist and succeed.

Make a list of all your interest, all your knowledge, all the hobbies you have ever persuaded, … and ask yourself what you are passionate about, what topic you’d like to learn more about, … After a few minutes you should have a list of jobs, hobbies and interests that could lead you to your lucrative market. Please keep in mind that the Internet is huge and there is an audience for almost anything. If you really believe that you do not have any skills or knowledge, you are selling yourself short.

Narrow your list down to four or five topics that you would like to explore further. Once you finished this task, you should have a few subjects on with to base your further research.

Step 2 – Start Researching your Market Online

It really doesn’t matter if you are starting a business online or if you're simply looking to grow your current part time internet business. Market Research is the only thing that can help you avoid making expensive and time consuming blunders and it can literally make the difference between significant success and abject failure.

When you research your market online, you will not walk into a new market blind. It will make it possible to run the right promotions, to make offers your visitors love, and to out market your competition in the search engines.

Market Research will not only reveal all the information you need to start or grow your business the right way, you will also find out exactly who you're up against. Knowing your competition, knowing what they are doing and sometimes finding out what they are doing wrong, will give you the opportunity to fly past the competition and become really successful.

Market research is an essential step when you want to start your own online business. Especially when you do not know anything of the market that you are entering. Market research is necessary to get something that’s known as affinity to the market which means getting any sort of experience or relationship with the market and that’s really where market research comes in. The better you know your market, the better you’re likely to do. Otherwise, you’re just guessing, and guessing isn’t very good for the health of a business.

The level of market research depends on what you want to achieve. You might want to make some extra money and maybe earn just five hundred extra dollars a month or you might want to move into a market and build a 50-thousand dollar a month business. Your goals are very important because it will determine what kind of time and money you’re going to spend starting or growing your business, which will in turn influence how long you will spend researching, because of course the more time and money you need to spend, the fewer chances you want to take.

Step 3 – Take action

When doing your own market research online, you may have more information than you’ll know what to do with. That’s a good thing, of course, but at some point you’ll have to stop your research and make your decision about whether to proceed into that market or not. Look at your list of topics and look at your research and decide on with market you want to focus. Make a decision and act.

By Luc Lauryssen

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